Panel Startup
Startup Panel discussion
This panel will be facilitated by
- Andrei Danila, CEO at CODE932
- Valeriu Filip, Managing Partner SecurifAI, I-Tom
- Ciprian Caprioara, Co-founder, Product Owner
Panel theme: Startup – truth or dare
This will be an engaging discussion panel where three experienced entrepreneurs reveal the raw truths and daring realities of navigating the exciting yet challenging journey of startups. Through a unique truth or dare format, the panelists will share their experiences, challenges, and invaluable insights gained from years of venturing into the unknown.
From the inception of their ideas to the evolution of their businesses, our guests will explore the stark disparities between initial visions and gritty realities in an honest discussion about untold stories behind the facade of glamour, lessons learned from inevitable failures, the myths of overnight success, tough decisions and moments of uncertainty, naivety and fortune, the ‘founder’s myth’, and the contrast between idealistic business plans and pragmatic strategies.
This talk promises to inspire, educate, and provoke thought on the fascinating yet challenging world of startups.
Join us as we uncover the truths, embrace the dares, and embark on a journey of discovery together.