Panel Digitization

Panel Digitization


This panel will be facilitated by


Panel theme: Digitizing relationships with the public administration 

We invite you to a discussion facilitated by Mihaela Chirac about what it takes to digitalize the public administration, starting with the good example of Ciugud. 

The guests to the discussion are: 

  • Dan Lungu:  CIUGUD to be true – examples of good practices, how we take steps towards DIGITAL IDENTITY, how it helps us, why we can only eliminate bureaucracy this way 
  • Alexandru Panait: What does the actual digitization of an institution mean – Can the rail file turn into the folder with everything? – configuration of procedures through artificial intelligence – standardization and interconnected databases + protection / cybersecurity 
  • David Dragos: How could Brașov evolve in this regard? Concrete steps + examples of institutions that are already open to digitization