Mihai Rus – Coera

Mihai Rus – Coera

Software Architect at COERA

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Mihai is a software architect with a Java background, with a passion for technology and for creating solutions out of custom and reusable components. His goal in defining the solutions is to match the technology and architecture to the business objectives of a project.  In his teams his role is to define, prove and refine the product solution by selecting components that can be used as a service and defining standards for the custom components that need to be implemented. 



Presentation: How to not get crazy with integration challenges


We live in a connected world, where technology is embedded in almost every aspect of our lives. Every tool, framework, application needs an internet connection to get some data from somewhere. (Have you tried to use your phone without internet access?). 

While developing products or delivering projects we are constantly trying to pick the best of the shelf products and combine them with custom developed applications to obtain the functionality needed.  

In this talk we are going to talk about what integration means, is there a difference between a developer or an integration engineer? We will discuss some examples on what integration products are used for and when you should use them, and what should you do when your application is integrating with a lot of services and how to keep track who is calling who and in what order. 

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