Luiz Quintela

Luiz Quintela

Business Agility Consultant, Author, Trainer

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Luiz is a Business Agility, Lean + Agile, Product Management and OKRs advisor, practitioner, trainer, and coach.

Every year, he speaks at multiple conferences and meetups in the US, Europe, S. America, and Africa on topics related to Business Agility.

He has years of experience in financial services, banking, insurance, healthcare, oil and gas, chemicals, government, defense, and energy.

Sample Accomplishments:

  • Co-authored Scaling Done Right, the first Scrum@Scale book, which Dr. Jeff Sutherland says: “…it should be on the bookshelf of every Agile leader in the world.”
  • Member of the organizing team for the Business Agility Conference Global.
  • Co-hosted the Berlin’s Business Agility Meetup.
  • Helped professionals worldwide successfully implement Lean + Agile to deliver product strategies by hosting multiple free monthly sessions and webinars.
  • Member of the team that created the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master test.


Presentation:  What OKRs have to do with resiliency?

OKRs are a lightweight strategy and alignment framework that allow everyone to see what others are working on and collaborate effectively. Those simple words spell resiliency! Alignment, strategy, collaboration. These are just some traits that organizations must have to be resilient. OKRs must also be ambitious, easy to understand and action oriented. All these things and many more are needed for resiliency.  
Come and learn from Luiz “Q” Quintela how OKRs are key for creating a resilient organization and learn why the most probably result is never the best possible result. 

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