Liviu Costea
System Engineer and Ambassador for CNCF
Liviu has filled many roles during his career from developer to architect, team leader, technical manager and CTO.
But the ones he felt most comfortable in were the technical ones, which involved reading and writing code. He made the switch to Infrastructure as Code and DevOps around 2013, because his team was using AWS and someone had to do this. He discovered a whole new world, dynamic and challenging, and since then he has never looked back.
Currently he works as a Systems Engineer where he runs a one of a kind SaaS Kubernetes platform following the GitOps approach. Due to his continuous involvement in teaching others and his interest in Cloud Computing he has recently been included in the list of Ambassadors for CNCF Foundation – https://bit.ly/3giIEJK”
He is quite involved in the community, an organizer of the Cloud Native Meetup from Iasi, Romania and also other events and conferences around DevOps and Software Architecture.
He gladly contributes in AgileHub and has already given workshops on DevOps and Kubernetes topic.
Workshop – Service mesh for mere mortals
The goal of the workshop
We will explain how a service mesh works and why it became so important, we will look into its components, how they work together, what patterns it uses under the hood, how mutual TLS is achieved and why we say it adds observability and reliability to a Kubernetes cluster
What will we do in this workshop?
We will start with a general introduction of what a service mesh does and how it works.
Then we will do a couple of exercises together, where we will install a service mesh on a local Kubernetes cluster.
- General introduction to a service mesh
- Install Cert-Manager and see how TLS certificates can be generated and renewed
- Setup Linkerd and see what it offers out of the box
- Running Linkerd in production: what to monitor
- Check out more advanced scenarios, like Traffic splitting or multi-cluster
You are in the target of the audience if you
We expect that you have basic understanding about Kubernetes or another container orchestration platform
What will you learn at the end
At the end you should have a good idea how useful a service mesh is and what changes for your Kubernetes deployed microservice.
Have a local Kubernetes cluster ready, like minikube or kind, where we will run our exercises.