Florin Asavei

Florin Asavei

Full-Stack .NET developer

Florin Asavei is a Full-Stack .NET developer and overall web enthusiast with a background in Front-End development using JavaScript, jQuery and Angular.JS . He is an active member of the local tech communities, participating in educational activities and local tech meetups. His contribution in AgileHub started in early 2018 and from the start he proved to be an easy-to-go-to person, always eager to help and share what he knows with the others.

Workshop: Start your way into Web Programming (Javascript and Ajax)

The goal of the workshop

During this workshop we will create a small web application that consumes an existing RESTful API. In other words, we will be building a simple user interface that allows us to communicate with an existing back-end service using AJAX Http requests. This is an entry-level workshop (students are welcomed).

What will we do in this workshop?

This workshop will guide you through the basic concepts of web programming on the client-side using HTML, CSS and javaScript. Our application will perform CRUD operations over a public API using modern approaches. We will be focusing on the front-end aspects only. The goal is for you to follow along and get a real feel of how web applications work and what front-end development involves.

You are in the target of the audience if you: 
  • Are familiar with basic programming concepts (working experience is not mandatory but you should know the very basics)
  • Basic C-Style Language Syntax doesn’t scare you, particularly javaScript (http://jsforcats.com/)
  • Comfortable with HTML5 and CSS3 
What will you learn at the end:

At the end of the workshop, you will feel more comfortable writing javaScript code and making AJAX requests. We will also approach subjects such as: version control, debugging and styling. These skills will help you learn more advanced topics such as Angular, React or Node.

What tools do you need installed on your computer before the workshop starts

In case you register for this workshop and you need info regarding tools, let us know.