Cristian Obreja

Cristian Obreja

Software Developer


Some fortunate events happened and we heard, in early 2019, about the extensive IT experience that Cristi has, so we asked him to join our team of volunteers and to contribute in AgileHub. He gladly accepted to be part of AgileHub and so the topics we cover extended to DevOps and Robotics.

Combine his experience in Software development and design in large -scale contexts, in Networks and Infrastructure, his passion for Robotics and Automation, and his modesty regarding all his (amazing) past achievements, and you’ll get a trainer that is able to convey information in a simple and effective way while creating a friendly and productive atmosphere in the room.

Cristi is also the lead trainer for the educational program “From writing code to 3D printing“. Being a parent himself, he knows how to spark curiosity and passion in children, so the lucky ones who are in the program, pupils from School 11 in Brasov really like him.


Workshop – Kubernetes Cluster 


The goal of the workshop 

  • Understanding the basic container concept 
  • Doing the first steps in Kubernetes: from creating a cluster to making deploying your applications

What will we do in this workshop? 

Go over

  • Overview of Kubernetes: Container orchestration and management
  • Service, pod, deployment overview
  • Configuration maps, secrets 
  • Deployments, Persistent Volume Claim overview 
  • Build and launch a Php app in a container 

You are in the target of the audience if you are:  

  • Software Engineer
  • System Engineer 
  • DevOps Engineer

who want to get started with Kubernetes.

What tools do you need installed on your computer before the workshop starts 

No special tools are needed 
