Bogdan Marian – Nagarro

Bogdan Marian – Nagarro

Bogdan Marian is passionate about programming and driven by excellence, being  a polyglot developer with more than 16 years of experience spent on developing .NET & Java applications.

He’s trying to see beyond any framework, tool or platform by consolidating architectural skills and industry best practices, at the same time advocating for continuous integration and continuous delivery.

Among other things, Bogdan strongly believes in the innovation brought by open-source software development.

Presentation: Use Docker Compose when running integration tests with Azure Pipelines

The purpose of this presentation is to answer a common question occurring when running a CI pipeline: how do I run integration tests targeting a relational database?

Bogdan will present one approach based on .NET Core, PostgreSQL, Azure DevOps and Docker Compose.

The presentation will be held on Zoom and it is open for everybody who wants to join


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