Andrei Danila

Andrei Danila

CEO at CODE932

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Owner and CEO of the Iasi IT company, Code932, and founder of “Gradinita de Manageri”, Andrei always does things differently and has an innovative approach to finding solutions by trying new methods to achieve high quality results.

Through creativity and confidence in what he does, he manages to inspire the people around him and to create unity between the members of the teams he works with towards the same common goal, the perfect team.
Experimenting and accepting that sometimes things won’t work exactly as planned, Andrei chooses every day to go in a bold direction and doesn’t stay stuck in the same patterns and methods that have proven effective in the past because he believes that a new way of thinking could become the new normal.

By personal example, he has set a high standard in the company and in the projects he is involved in and manages to take people out of their comfort zone to develop quality products, suited to the needs of the local market and beyond.
Andrei believes that with the right training and the right team, any challenges and obstacles can be overcome.

At PeakIT 005 Andrei will be both speaker and trainer.


Presentation: CEO vs Entrepreneur in IT 

Who is in charge of making a startup IT company successful? Is it the Entrepreneur? Is it the CEO? Is it the team? What does it mean to be in charge of a company success? 

Let try a new approach, adapted to the Romanian IT industry in 2022.  

The purpose of this few moments that we spend together is to raise questions in our minds, questions that will help us along the way as we try desperately to get rich, change the world, find purpose, build teams… 

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