Andreea-Ruxandra Péter

Andreea-Ruxandra Péter

Scrum Master

Andreea Ruxandra Péter is a Scrum Master with over 7 years’ experience working in an Agile environment. She is a former Computer Science teacher, has a background in JAVA development and was a salsa instructor for some time. She enjoys hiking, bird watching and Cuban salsa music.

She is fun and most of the time she has a smile on her face. Andreea has been a volunteer in AgileHub from the beginning, she started organizing many agile games and now she organizes agile trainings.

Workshop: How to facilitate online meetings to get the most out of them

Meet Andreea on October 18th, 14:30-17:30.
The goal of the workshop

Through this presentation I want to give my participants a few ideas about how to better facilitate their meetings. No matter the meeting, a good facilitator can either make it or break it.

What will we do in this workshop?

I will present a few methods that can help improve meetings and their results.

You are in the target of the audience if you:

Anyone and everyone that has to go through never-ending meetings that have no result.

What will you learn at the end:

By the end, I hope I can give each participant an idea about how they can improve their facilitation skills or at least they can encourage others to organize the meetings in a way that would benefit most participants

No tools. You only need to be present.

No extra tools will be needed, but I will use different platforms.