Alex Petrescu

Alex Petrescu

Security Consultant/Team Lead


Alex is a young enthusiastic and hard working IT guy. He joined our team of volunteers after he had attended Peak IT #003 and shortly after he offered to hold an 8-week Cybersecurity training in AgileHub. 

With 9 years experience in IT (the last 5 being a Security Consultant in a big IT company), he is eager to always learn and to share the lessons with the community. Throughout the past few years, he has been studying and got certified in areas such as Cloud, Digital Identity and Security. 

When attending his trainings, one is surprised by the combination of knowledge and charisma that make participants connect with him. 

 In his free time, he is passionate about psychology and travelling and also playing guitar and music in general. Alex has secretly told us he intends to participate at some contests in the near future. You can call us subjective and we will definitely vote for him.   


Workshop: Introduction to Digital Identity 

The goal of the workshop 

The goal of this workshop is to provide a basic understanding of Digital Identity and its importance for individuals and companies, as well as create awareness of how this domain is approached in the modern workplace environment.

What will we do in this workshop? 

We will discuss what digital identity means for every individual, taking into consideration the digital footprint across multiple platforms, such as social media. Also, we will go through the main principles, processes and systems that are implemented in companies to ensure secure access to systems and applications, throughout the employee’s lifecycle in the organization.

You are in the target of the audience if you:  

  • Are familiar with basic security concepts 
  • Have a basic understanding of authentication and authorisation 
  • Are interested in understanding how to better secure access and permissions in modern applications 

What tools do you need installed on your computer before the workshop starts 

  • No special tools are needed 
